Songwriting Tips; A Beginner’s Guide To Songwriting


Has songwriting been a challenge to you? You might be wondering where to begin. Here are some songwriting tips that will help you start your songwriting journey.

Let’s get into them.

1. Find Your Inspiration For Songwriting

Ideas can come at any time when you set your surroundings for songwriting. Have a pen or a notebook always; an idea might come up, and you would want to write them. It doesn’t have to be a paragraph. A one-word title is worth writing down.

Recording your idea using a phone or any other recording device is also essential. You can create a melody by either singing or humming. You can also say your lyrical ideas and save them for later.

2. Determine Your Song Structure

Listen to songs that you enjoy and analyse them. It will give you some ideas on how to structure your piece. Also, listen to different themes and see how they are structured.

Pay attention on:

  • The Melody
  • The chord progression
  • The lyrics
  • The arrangement

Do not use somebody else’s idea directly. You will be accused of plagiarism. However, you can use the chord progression, a segment of the melody or arrangement techniques.

3. Understand The Basics of Music Theory

Acquiring basic skills in music theory will make your songwriting process easier. Additionally, it will improve the quality of your material. Although music theory might seem difficult to a beginner, some concepts are not that complicated. You only need to understand the simple basics to improve your songwriting skills. Some of the skills that you would want to learn are:

  1. Scales: Major and minor scales, keys
  2. Chord Progressions: Common chord progressions
  3. Rhythm: Time signatures, Off beat rhythms etc.
  4. Intervals: Consonant intervals, inversions and dissonant intervals

You can learn the basics of music in our school. Our practise-based training will be easy to understand since it will be of practice.

4. Try Different Songwriting Approaches

When starting, it’s good to try different writing styles and see which method works for you. Here are some of the approaches you can try

  • Write a brief or a general concept.
  • Write the song before the title or title before the song
  • Try using a different musical instrument than the usual one

When trying these methods, you may get the style that works for you.

5. Keep it Simple

Simplicity is essential when writing a song. The most successful pieces are often straightforward. Write songs that do not have complicated chord progressions. Furthermore, the lyrics should relate easily with the listeners.

6. Write From Personal Experience

Lyrics written from personal life experiences are more genuine and easy to write. Nevertheless, it is very to easy to write your own story. Once you see your lyrical content improve, you can start writing other peoples’ stories.

7. Test Your Songwriting skills

Once you have finished, sing your song to a live audience. Seek opinions from your friends and see where you can improve. Through these opinions, you will be able to identify your weak areas. Also, you will know which part of the lyrics needs improvement and which chords need adjusting.

Remember to record your songs. Today’s technology has made it easier to record music using the right software and the best equipment. You can also go to a studio and record your piece. Publish your song to the audience or potential fans. People in the music industry might listen to your song and discover your potential.


If you want to develop your skills in songwriting, join Kamata Music School, get professional skills and be the best version of yourself. 


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